Psychological Testing and Evaluation
Sometimes symptoms of a psychological disorder are apparent, like when a child is really struggling with school work, having trouble making friends and getting along with others. However, for an adult who has chaotic or unstable personal and professional relationships, inconsistent vocational, educational or employment history due to unpredictable behavior, the cause of the problems is not always clear. Psychological testing and evaluation are comprised of a series of tests that help determine the root cause of psychological symptoms and disorders, to clarify the correct diagnosis and provide a road map for the appropriate course of treatment.

Psychological Testing and Evaluation for Children and Adolescents
Some common areas of assessment include:
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Learning Disabilities (e.g., non verbal learning disability, dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, reading disabilities, math learning disability, disorder of written expression, intellectual disability, etc.)
Intellectual Giftedness
Diagnostic clarification for psychological disorders (e.g., depression, anxiety, behavioral disorders, bipolar disorder)

Psychological Testing and Evaluation are also used with adults, for instance, to determine the extent of a brain injury or disorder, or to decide if a person is mentally competent to stand trial.
Some businesses and organizations use psychological testing and evaluation to decide whether or not an applicant is likely to be a good candidate for a position within the company, or to determine the needs of an active employee.
The outcome of the assessment is to guide treatment or other supports needed to maximize a person’s ability to function at their best in their environment.